Gefion Software

The URL now redirects to this site. While Gefion Software is still alive and well, the company no longer offers any products and therefore does not really need a separate website.

Gefion Software is a privately held company located in Hermosa Beach, California, that Hans founded in 1997. Gefion Software is one of the pioneers in the server-side Java field and once developed products to simplify development of network based, platform independent applications, such as LiteWebServer and InstantOnline.

The product development was phased out starting around 2004 so Hans could spend more time on other projects, such as a failed start-up company attempt (every entrepreneur needs at least one of those experiences) and a successful consulting business. Today Gefion Software is purely a consulting company, with the primary customer being DbVis Software.

12 thoughts on “Gefion Software

    • Hi Sebastian,

      Glad to hear there are still LWS fans out there. The server support for the JustGetIt module is not available on this new site, and stripping it off and creating new installers is just more work than I will do without higher demand.

      But I will email the installer to you so you can keep using it.

      Best Regards,

      • Hello, it is possible to please send the installer to me as well? specifically, I am looking for LWS 3.0.3. We had this on an old Linux embedded device and do not have the original installer. If this is ok please send to the email address submitted with this comment form.

        • Hi,

          I’ll send you the installer in an email.

          Best Regards,

  1. Any chance you will be sharing the code of litewebserver in github, bitbucker or something like that?

    • The LiteWebServer is basically a stripped down version of the Apache Tomcat web server, and it has not been updated in years. You’re probably better off getting the source for the latest Tomcat version.

  2. Hernan Mayor on said:

    I wil also like to receive the installer of the most recente version of LWS.

    Thank you

    • Hi Hernan,

      I just mailed you an LWS installer.

  3. Hernan Mayor on said:

    Excuse me for bothering you, but I did not received the installer.


    • Hi Hernan,

      I sent it to the email you specified for this post on February 13. I just sent it again. Please check your Spam folder.

  4. Please send me link for LWS installer. I really want to try. a friend of mine told me it is very good.

    Please send LWS installer.asap.



    • Hi,

      Sorry, but LWS is no longer available.


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